In every case of an accident injury claim, the injured person must prove certain legal elements to succeed. In most cases, the injured person must prove that the person who injured them was legally responsible in some way such as being negligent or careless. In addition, the injured person must prove their damages and the injuries they sustain. They do this through their injury lawyers.
To prove the injuries, your lawyer needs to understand some medicine and must understand your injuries based on several factors such as diagnosis, prognosis, nature of the injuries and impact of the injuries on the injured person in the past and medical issues for future. How a person will recover in the future is an important factor to consider when determining the amount of compensation.
As part of providing competent and experienced legal representation, your injury lawyer must have a thorough understanding of your injuries and understanding of the medical treatments provided and needed. As your personal injury lawyers in Ottawa, Ontario, we often consult with and retain a variety of medical experts from all over the country to properly assess our client’s injuries and claims for compensation. The health care professionals and experts we hire for our clients complete many tasks such reviewing medical records, conducting physical examinations of our clients, assessing pre-existing medical conditions, assessing long term medical issues, evaluating full medical histories and providing expert reports. They often also testify in court when needed as experts. Often, the medical experts we retain make an initial assessment of the injuries and then establish the full extent of any continuing disability, including impact on daily living, life and analysis of the duration of the injuries.
While we are not medical experts, we are legal experts and we therefore know that we need to consult medical experts so that we have a complete understanding of the medical issues involved; this allows us to obtain the maximum amount of benefits and compensation for our clients.
Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP – Ottawa medical claims specialists – We work hard to protect our client’s rights and interests and receive millions in compensation for our clients each year.
Call us for a free consultation at 613-315-4878 or 613-563-1131. No Fee Unless You Win.