
At Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyers, a significant part of our practice is generated from referrals from clients and other professionals, including other lawyers who do not focus on or specialize in personal injury law. We have a proven track record of success with personal injury cases we handle. We often receive referrals in complex and more difficult personal injury cases. We accept small, medium and large injury cases and want to assist any person injured in an accident.

We are committed to forging ongoing referral arrangements and will consider taking on new files on a referral basis regardless of what stage of the litigation the file happens to have matured to.

How much is your referral fee and when will I receive it?

We adhere to the Law Society of Ontario regulations in all referral matters.

If you refer a client to us and no prior work has been done on their case, you will receive between 5 and 15 per cent of the fee we charge the client, depending on the type of case, payable at the conclusion of the case.

If you have already completed a significant amount of work on the file, we can discuss a fee that is reasonable and acceptable to you, us and the client. We have always been able to arrive at a fair fee in the past.

Whatever the situation, it is always best to make the referral early in the retainer and if a proceeding has been commenced, as early as possible in the proceedings in order to ensure the most satisfactory outcome for the client.

Is the referral arrangement mutual?

Absolutely. We do not provide services in many areas of the law since we focus on personal injury law. We would be pleased to refer clients to you in the area of law you focus on.

What if my clients require other legal work. Will you send them back to me?

Absolutely and always. We take the referral on a one time basis only and any other work requested by the client is referred back to you.

How involved can I be in the personal injury case?

This will depend on the client. We encourage ongoing involvement. This provides the client with more support and maintains your relationship with the client as well.

How does the Law Society of Ontario regulate this subject?

Rule 2 of the Rules of Professional Conduct allows for referrals and for fees to be paid as long as the client is fully informed and consents to it, the fee is reasonable and of no additional cost to the client and as long as the referral is not made as a result of a conflict of interest. For full particulars of the regulation, visit the LSUC’s web site at This type of referral arrangement can only be done between lawyers and paralegals.

In all cases, the referral is completely transparent, in writing and involves the client at every stage.

Please call us to discuss referrals and how we can help your clients. Call us at 613-315-HURT (4878) .