Founding and Managing Partner, Barrister, Solicitor, Court-Connected Roster Mediator, Mediator, Notary, Law Instructor and Author
Phone: 613-315-HURT (4878)
Proud Member of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association – OTLA
Listed as Associated Alumni Mediator with the Mediation Centre of Southeastern Ontario (visit
Mr. Marc-Nicholas Quinn is a founding partner of a well established Ottawa personal injury law firm . His law firm specializes in accident, injury and diability law.
He was born and raised in Ottawa and has strong roots in the Ottawa community. Mr. Quinn is active in his community through his support and involvement with various groups dealing with issues relating to the care, health and safety of children. With more than 20 years experience dealing with personal injury matters, Mr. Quinn has gained a reputation for obtaining high settlements for his clients. Mr. Quinn focuses on resolving claims for his clients.
Mr. Quinn is experienced and qualified to appear before all levels of Court, including the Superior Court of Justice, the Divisional Court and the Ontario Court of Appeal. He has extensive experience before the Courts and various administrative tribunals and has worked in the legal department of a local municipal corporation and the federal Department of Justice. Mr. Quinn has extensive experience with litigation matters with specific focus on personal injury, insurance litigation, disability law and family law litigation matters.
Mr. Quinn has developed a tough reputation as an advocate for his clients. He is an aggressive, self-driven lawyer who is fully prepared and experienced in taking on large corporations and businesses on behalf of the average person. As one Judge called it, he is known as a “technical purist”, pays scrupulous attention to detail and is always prepared to vigorously pursue justice for his clients. Mr. Quinn is very inquisitive by nature and held a licence in private investigation.
Mr. Quinn has represented the interests of insurers. However, by choice, Mr. Quinn represents the interests of Plaintiffs only. His practice is dedicated to protecting the rights of victims of accidents.
Areas of Practice
In the last twenty (20+) years, Marc-Nicholas Quinn has practiced in many areas of law including personal injury law, family law, insurance law, disability law, corporate and commercial law, business law, wills and estates law, administrative law and real estate law.
Mr. Quinn’s focus is in the fields of personal injury law, insurance and disability matters. He regularly appears before the Superior Court of Justice in relation to all aspects of litigation files. He has extensive experience dealing with all steps in litigation files, including mediation, collaborative negotiation and every aspect of the litigation process.
As an experienced business person, Mr. Quinn has acted as managing partner of his law firm since 2001. Mr. Quinn represents business owners on issues such as commercial disputes and insurance matters with a focus on insurance and liability issues. Mr. Quinn offers BLIR TM “business liability and insurance reviews” to business owners concerned about insurance coverage issues and general liability issues, including business liability exposure and property ownership liability exposure.
Mr. Quinn is a trained mediator and focuses on personal injury and family law mediation. He has completed more than 116 hours in specialized mediation and negotiation skills training. He is a well respected court-connected mediator and is listed as a mediator on the Attorney General’s list of court-connected roster mediators with the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program (OMMP).
Mr. Quinn is also a Part-Time Professor at Algonquin College in the Law Clerk Program where he has thaught the Advanced Civil Procedure II, Torts and Contracts Law, Property Law and Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Skills Courses. Mr. Quinn regularly writes aricles on issues pertaining to personal injury and mediation. From time to time, he is asked to lectures at other local colleges and to law students.
Collaborative Legal Training
Mr. Quinn is trained in collaborative law and will apply a cooperative approach to negotiating and settling all issues arising from any dispute with the goal of avoiding the expense associated with adversarial litigation. Mr. Quinn is experienced in all aspects of alternate dispute resolutions such as collaborative law, mediation and arbitration.
If settlement of the issues is not reached and the opposing party refuses to deal fairly with the issues, Mr. Quinn has extensive litigation experience to support his client’s positions before the Courts and will vigorously pursue his client’s rights and interests.
Marc-Nicholas Quinn obtained a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree with a concentration in Criminology (major) and Psychology (minor) from the University of Ottawa in 1992. Mr. Quinn obtained a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of Ottawa in 1995 and was awarded a prize for excellence in insurance law.
Mr. Quinn is a past and/or current member of the following organizations:
- Law Society of Upper Canada.
- Indigenous Bar Association.
- Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA).
- County of Carleton Law Association (CCLA).
- Ontario Association for Family Mediation (Associate Member).
- Family Mediation Canada (Associate Member).
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.
- Law Society of Upper Canada Lawyer Referral Service.
- Member (as panel lawyer) of the Ontario Legal Aid Plan.
- Service Provider (as referring lawyer) to the Assaulted Women’s Help Line.
- Service Provider (as referring lawyer) to the Ottawa Community Resource Centre.
- Listed as Associated Alumni Mediator with the Mediation Centre of Southeastern Ontario (visit
Lectures and Involvement in Continuing Legal Education
Mr. Quinn has obtained the following certificates and training:
- Certificate in Abuse Issues in Family Mediation and Arbitration (16hrs) (taught by Professor of Law, Peggy Malpass, LL.B., Acc.F.M. (OAFM)).
- Certificate in Family Mediation Training (40hrs) (taught by Professor of Law, Peggy Malpass, LL.B., Acc.F.M. (OAFM), Shelagh MacDonald, M.S.W., R.S.W., Acc.F.M. (OAFM) and John Goodwin, LLB., Acc.F.M. (OAFM)).
- Mediation Skills Training – Alternate Dispute and Conflict Resolution Program, Mediation Centre of Southeastern Ontario (20hrs) (taught by Professor of Law, Ronald J. Price, Q.C., J.D. and David G. Price, LL.B., LL.M.).
- Negotiation Skills Training – Alternate Dispute and Conflict Resolution Program, Mediation Centre of Southeastern Ontario (20hrs) (taught by Professor of Law, Ronald J. Price, Q.C., J.D.), Certificate of Full Participation.
- Training – Collaborative Family Law Practice.
Mr. Quinn has completed the following continuing legal education work and services:
- Assisted in preparing a lecture on Landlord and Tenant Issues at the 2007 13th East Region Solicitors Conference.
- Assisted in preparing of course content for Advanced Landlord and Tenant course at Algonquin College taught his business partner, Michael K. E. Thiele.
- Lectured to the Real Estate Association of Ottawa-Carleton in relation to real estate and liability issued.
- Lectured to Articling Students at the University of Ottawa Law School in conjunction with County of Carleton Law Association and Canadian Bar Association continuing legal education program.
- Lectured to paralegal students at Herzing College on law practice issues.
- Working on the development of a proposed presentation on the topic of “The Use of Evidence Obtained Through Private Investigation in the Context of Family Law Litigation”.
- Assists in Continuing Education to High School Students through an employment placements program funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
- Mentor to placement students from Algonquin College, Herzing College and Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Placement Learning Program.
- Acted as Articling Principle for Law Student.
- Lectured at the request of the University of Ottawa Students Association on the subject of law practice management.
- Regular author of published articles on personal injury law.
- Member of the Ontario Legal Aid Program mediation program.
- Member of the University of Ottawa Law School Internship Program.
To consult with Mr. Quinn regarding your legal rights and interests, please call him today at (613) 315-HURT (4878) or send him an email at
Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer Network – Ottawa Personal Injury and Accident Lawyers