Ottawa store owner lawyers.

If I am injured in a store in Ottawa, is the store automatically liable for my injuries?


Th short answer is – not always.  It’s rare under Ontario law that anyone is "automatically" liable for anything. We have handled hundreds of these cases before. We can say that, in the great majority of cases, the store can be held liable and must pay compensation.


Falls in stores falls under negligence a principle known as occupier’s liability.  In Ontario, owners and occupiers of stores are statutorily duty bound to ensure their property is safe and must implement a reasonable system of property maintenance and inspection.  Liability will depend on many factors, all of which our lawyers will investigate and review for you.  In the majority of cases, we find that the store owner failed to meet the duty they have to their customers and we are able to obtain fair compensation for our clients.  We review such things as maintenance logs, videos, witness statements, type of entrant you were (invitee, licensee or trespasser) and in many cases, we send an investigator to the store to conduct an inspection of the property. If required, we also send an engineer to the store to review the scene of the injury and provide a professional expert report.


We are experts in handling store liability cases in Ottawa.  The various ways a person can be injured in a store is long. Often, there is no simple answer to know who is responsible for the injuries. Only a consultation with an experienced Ottawa premises liability lawyer, familiar with the law of negligence and occupier’s liability and who has the resources to do a thorough investigation, can provide the best legal advice.


Call us for a free consultation at 613-563-1131 or 613-315-4878. Ottawa premises liability lawyers.