What is a Life Care Plan and why is it needed?
A life care plan is documents prepared by a health care expert as a way to assist injured persons assess their various medical needs. The written plan outlines the steps in an organized thought out and professional way which are needed to fulfil the care needs of an injured child or adult. It provides details on what specific medical and other care is needed, which professionals will provide the care and sets parameters like time lines so that an effective managed care program can be implemented by the various health care providers involved.
A life care plan is essential because it assists the injured person and their lawyers to accomplish two main goals: the first is to develop a care program which can assist the injured person deal with all life issues arising out of the injuries sustained such as type and nature of care services needed and the costs associated with those care services; and secondly, it assist the injured person’s lawyer in arriving at the proper and adequate compensation needed to implement the care plan. Properly assessing medical needs and all of the expenses that arise after a life-altering injury is greatly improved with a life care plan.
The various issues addressed in a life care program include but are not limited to:
assessing and listing care services required
assessing and listing expert care services required
setting time lines for implementation of care services
assessing impact on schools and education activities
listing needed medical equipment and devices
assessment of needs regarding social interaction
assessing home modification needs
addressing respite care needs
assessing physical therapy needs
assessing other various needs
setting out an implementation strategy
Life care plans are usually used in serious personal injury cases such as serious orthopedic injuries, head injuries, brain injuries, spine injuries and other profound and serious injury cases.
Creating a life care plan with advice from both medical experts and legal professionals is a means to protect our clients against unexpected care and other costs that can appear in the future. There is much less chance of missing an important expense when a life care plan is created by a qualified professional. There is a greater chance of obtaining higher compensation settlements and court awards with a life care plan in place.
Ottawa serious injury lawyers – Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP – We use life care plans to protect our seriously injured clients. Call us for a free consultation at 613-315-4878 or 613-563-1131. There is no fee unless we settle your Injury case.