Ottawa Elevators and Escalator Injury Lawyers
The lawyers of Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP have extensive experience handling cases for individuals who have suffered personal injury as a result of elevators and escalators, whether it occurred on private or public property. The law regarding preventing accidents occurring as a result of elevators and escalators is complex. Choosing a qualified Ottawa elevator and escalator accident lawyer is vital to obtaining fair compensation. Choose the wrong lawyer and you can lose thousands of dollars in compensation.
Ottawa has hundreds if not thousands of elevators and escalators in public and private buildings. Each year escalator and elevator machines are required to be inspected for safety by the TSSA and experts in the industry. The Province of Ontario regulates the design, installation and maintenance of elevators and escalators.
Despite all the safeguards in place, some owners ignore their legal responsibilities and each year people are seriously injured in Ottawa and Ontario as a result of defective, inadequately inspected, or poorly maintained elevators and escalators. In some cases, the accidents result in wrongful deaths. In most cases, the accidents could have been avoided.
As large mechanical machines, elevators and escalators can cause serious and permanent injuries. Our law firm has extensive experience handling catastrophic personal injury and wrongful death cases, including many cases of injuries occurring on escalators and elevators throughout Ontario. We have handled cases such as escalator accidents caused by:
Improper installation
Missing parts
Sudden stoppages
Loose or missing parts
Inadequate maintenance
Inadequate supervision
Side entrapment involving footwear
In many cases, young children, who are attracted to the moving parts on the escalator, are injured because they fail to appreciate the dangers of escalators and elevators.
We have also handled cases of injuries caused by elevators such as:
Elevator falls
Elevator drops
Improper door movements
Defective safety strips on doors
Defective equipment
Uneven car landing, either above or below designated floor
Improper design
Improper maintenance
Negligent supervision
Escalator and elevator accidents are extremely complex cases to handle. It requires experience and knowledge of the operation of these types of machinery and its interplay with the many legal principles of negligence.
Because owners typically try to get the escalator or elevator fixed as soon as possible after an accident (and thereby getting rid of the evidence), it is important to promptly hire a qualified and experienced elevator and escalator accident lawyer so that we can immediately undertake a prompt factual investigation, identify and contact witnesses, preserve essential evidence, take photographs and deliver notices of claims.
Our lawyers have significant experience handling complex personal injury and wrongful death cases, including complex escalator and elevator accident cases. Our firm has the experience, the knowledge and the resources to best handle any elevator or escalator accident case resulting in personal injury or wrongful death.
Initial consultations with our law firm are always free, and our cases are handled on a no fee until we win your case basis (called contingent fee basis). Please call us at 613-315-4878 or 613-563-1131.
Choosing the right personal injury lawyer who has experience with these cases is vital to successfully obtaining compensation. Personal injury is our specialty, which is all we do, every day. We are considered one of the best personal injury Boutique law firms in Ontario.
Call us for a free consultation at 613-315-4878 or 613-563-1131. Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyers of Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP (Marc N. Quinn). There is no fee until we recover money for you.