Ottawa Retail Store Falls Lawyers – Injured because of a trip and fall or slip and fall in a store? Learn more about your rights.
At our Ottawa personal injury and accident law firm, we have a specific group of injury lawyers dedicated to injuries caused by specifically by falls. Our lawyers have handled hundreds of fall cases such as injuries causes by falls on streets, homes, retail stores, retail malls, parking lots, private homes, government property etc… No matter where you fell, our lawyers can assess your case and asses all the liability issues, free of charge.
Injuries caused by falls on private properties or public premises can cause devastating consequences to injured persons and their families. Falls can cause any number of injuries including fractures, head injuries, soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains and psychological injuries. All injuries can affect a person’s ability to participate in activities whether it is employment, business or leisure. Injuries often make it difficult and in some cases impossible to complete day-to-day activities or to work. Without adequate disability insurance families can lose everything when a parent, husband or wife is unable to work due to injuries suffered in a fall
If you or a loved one is suffering from an injury or injuries caused by a fall, it is important to consult a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. It is important that the relevant evidence be obtained and protected. Our Ottawa injury lawyers assess injury cases for free and accept cases on a no win no fee basis. Our lawyers will stand up for your rights and protect your interests. Our lawyers fight against large insurance companies and win!
Our lawyers have successfully settled slip and fall cases, trip and fall cases, staircase fall injury cases, snow fall injury cases, ice fall injury cases, retail fall cases, mall fall cases and everything in between.
The types of fall cases we handle include but are not limited to slip and falls, trip and falls, falls because of ice, snow or weather, falling objects, slippery surfaces, debris in stairs, unsafe stairs, falls because of poor lighting or badly constructed or maintained premises, liquid spills causing falls, and more.
Our law firm focuses on injury cases. We specialize in all types of injury cases and
our clients get the maximum amount for their settlement.
All cases we handled are fully investigated and assessed. We assess all issues involved in a personal injury claim including liability, damages and more.
Contact us for a free consultation. You do not pay fees until the firm wins or settles your case. Injury law is all we do!
Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP
Ottawa accident and injury lawyers
613-315-4878 (Marc N. Quinn, Esq.)
Downtown Injury Law Firm