Motorcycle accident lawyers in Ottawa representing victims of motorcycle accidents.
At Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki LLP, we ride motorcycles and we understand motorcyclists. We know what they go through when involved in an accident. Our lawyers are trained to handle the specific needs of motorcycle accident victims. They understand that the injuries sustained by motorcycle accident victims are generally serious and that consideration must be made for future costs such as rehabilitation and medical costs, as well as future losses of income.
Motorcycle accident victims are entitled, generally speaking, to the same accident benefits of other accident victims and can take advantage of the no fault accident benefits system in Ontario. They enjoy the same rights of pursuing the at fault driver as well for various damages such as pain and suffering damages.
Our lawyers are experienced in all aspects of personal injury and accident law. This process includes seeking all available compensation for the injured riders and their families. Having experienced riders on staff allows for special understanding of the needs of riders.
Although many car drivers believe that motorcycles like bicycles have no place on the road, our lawyers understands the rights of motorcyclists. We also understand the legal and non legal arguments that opposing lawyers and insurers use in cases of motorcycle accidents. Our accident lawyers ensure that your full legal rights and interests are protected and we aggressively seek compensation for our clients.
Our Ottawa motorcycle accident lawyers are available to personally discuss your case with you free or charge. Our lawyers take on all accident cases on a no fee until you win basis – no money down. Please call us at 613-315-4878 or send an e-mail to to arrange your free consultation.
Ottawa Motorcycle Accident Lawyers – We understand motorcycle riders!