A bone fracture is a medical condition in which there is a break in the continuity in the bone. Fractures occur from a variety of accidents. They can occur as a result of a slip and fall, trip and fall, assault, car accident, automobile accident, work accident, sporting accident and any other type of accident where unusual force is applied against the body. In many cases fractures occur with associated injuries such as soft tissue injuries, lacerations, bruising and ligament injuries. In cases of accidents causing fractures, the recovery process can be quite long and the pain significant. Some fractures cause prolonged, severe and permanent disability and chronic pain requiring a variety of health treatments. Fractures can occur to any bone in the body, including arms, legs, hands, feet, wrists, collar bone, skull, shoulder, hip, ribs, spine and so on. Fractures – broken bones often take many months to heal. The amount of time depends on the type of fracture, the severity of the fracture and whether there are associated injuries requiring healing as well. In many cases, fractures require surgery and ongoing physical therapy and rehabilitation such as physiotherapy to allow the bones to heal completely and properly.

There are various types of fractures, including:

1. Simple fractures, where a bone is broken in one place, but the skin is not damaged;
2. Compound fractures, where the skin is broken by the bone – bones are driven into each other;
3. Transverse fracture, where the bone is broken at a right angle to the bone’s long axis;
4. Oblique fracture, where the bone is broken diagonal to the bone’s long axis
5. Comminuted fracture, where the broken bone results in a number of bone fragments;
6. Complete fracture, where the broken bone fragments separate completely;
7. Spiral fracture, where at least one part of the bone has been twisted;
8. Incomplete fracture, where the bone fracture are still partially joined;
9. Linear Fracture, where the fracture that is parallel to the bone’s long axis; and
10. Greenstick fracture, where one side of the bone is broken, causing a bend in the bone.

Like any injury, if you have suffered a fracture or broken bone as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to significant compensation. The amount of the compensation will depend on the total impact physically, emotionally, mentally and financially the fracture has caused the individual person and their family. Factors such as type of fracture, severity of fracture, amount of fractures, associated injuries, surgical intervention, length of time to recover, types of expenses incurred, type of treatments needed are some of the things we consider when assessing the value of a fracture – broken bone case.

At Plant Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki PC Mineault Grodzki PC, Ottawa Accident Lawyers, we assist victims of injuries and explain to our clients their rights and interests, including the right to pursue compensation for all types of damages and expenses such as pain and suffering, medical bills, loss of income and other types of suffering and expenses. At the law firm of Plant Quinn Thiele Mineault Grodzki PC Mineault Grodzki PC, our Ottawa accident lawyers provide experienced personal injury representation. We will fight to ensure that you receive the compensation you need to recover from the injuries you suffered.