Our Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyers investigate all possible types of damages to obtain fair compensation for our clients.
Injured Persons are entitled to many types of compensation and damages. This is a summary of what is available.
These damages are classified as non-monetary losses:
Pain and Suffering Compensation
You can receive compensation for the physical pain you are suffering and will suffer in the future, and for extreme psychological stress.
Loss of a Body Part
If a person loses a body part, they can receive money for the physical loss and also for the psychological impact of having a missing body part.
Reduced Life Expectancy
If an injured person can prove that their life expectancy is reduced because of the accident, he or she can be compensated for the lost years of life.
These damages are classified as monetary or economic losses:
Loss of Earnings or Income
In the event you suffer a loss of wages or other income (such as business or professional income or opportunity) because of an injury, your losses from the time of the accident projected for the rest of your life, can be recovered. This is usually calculated on the basis of past and future loss of income.
Cost of Medical Care and Rehabilitation
An injured person is entitled to recover the costs of all medical care or rehabilitation costs and expenses because of your injury sustained.
Costs of Living with a Disability
Someone who has suffered an injury that requires an adjustment to lifestyle, such as renovating a home to accommodate a wheelchair for example, the cost associated with this adjustment is compensable. Home care or extensive care assistance is also another good example.
Out of Pocket Expenses
Any out of pocket expenses such as travel costs, medication costs and health care product costs are also compensable.