Our injury lawyers have extensive experience handling cases for individuals who have suffered personal injury as a result of slips and falls on snow or ice, whether it occurred on private or public property. The law regarding preventing accidents occurring as a result of snow and ice is complex. Only experienced injury lawyers can provide you with the best result.
The law recognizes that property owners must take responsibility for protecting those who enter onto their property. Property owners can be responsible for removing both natural and unnatural accumulations of ice and snow so as to keep their property reasonably safe during the winter. The property owner, or the person controlling the property (such as occupiers), must use all reasonable care to prevent dangerous walking conditions caused by ice, snow or other hazards. If reasonable care is not taken, the property owner (or occupier such as a tenant) may be held liable for injuries sustained by someone falling on their property. If the property owner has contracted with a third party such as a snow removal company, they must do so in a reasonable way. Contracting with a third party does not mean the owner and/or the occupier is not also liable (i.e. responsible) at law.
The property owner may be a homeowner, a business owner, an institution, a private company or a municipality. A property manager who is responsible for maintaining the property may also be liable. The company providing snow and ice removal and treatment may also be liable if their work is done poorly.
As citizens, we have the right to expect that property owners, such as private property owners, institutions and municipalities will take reasonable steps to keep their property safe. If you have been injured as a result of falling on ice or snow, you may be entitled to recover compensation for your personal injuries. As Ottawa ice and snow liability lawyers, we understand the complexities of snow and ice cases. We have the experience, expertise and resources to assist our clients after they have suffered personal injuries from accidents resulting from falls due to ice or snow.
The types of injuries caused by falls in ice and snow cases vary greatly. The injuries can be minor or extremely severe, including fractures, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and serious soft tissue injuries. We have represented clients who have sustained permanent life-long disabling injuries due to what appeared to be relatively minor falls.
If you fall due to the negligence of another person, we can assist you in obtaining compensation. After you receive medical treatment, promptly contact one of our personal injury lawyers so that evidence can be obtained. It is very important that photographs showing the condition of the area you fell in be taken as soon as possible after the fall. It is also important that witnesses be contacted right away by your injury lawyer so witness statements can be obtained. Never talk to an insurance company, agent or adjuster without an Ottawa injury lawyer. Never sign documents without your Ottawa injury and accident lawyer.
Choosing the right personal injury lawyer who has experience with ice and snow cases is vital to successfully obtaining compensation. Personal injury is our specialty, which is all we do, every day. We are considered one of the leading and best personal injury Boutique law firms in Ontario.