Children and Injuries

Home/Children and Injuries

What is an Infant Settlement Motion?

What is an Infant Settlement Motion? When a settlement has been reached that involves a person under the age of 18, that child must be represented by a "litigation guardian". A Litigation Guardian is a person over the age of 18 who has authority to instruct legal counsel throughout the litigation and make decisions about [...]

2018-10-31T17:35:39-04:00October 31st, 2018|

Can a parent be held liable for the acts of their children?

Parents must take reasonable steps to properly supervise their children. Failing to do so could result in the parents being liable for the results of wrongful or negligent acts of their children. For instance, if a child bullies another causing harm to another person, parents could be held liable for the result of the bullying [...]

2018-10-31T13:07:01-04:00October 1st, 2018|

What are the most typical ways children are injured?

Children and Injuries in Public Places Shopping is a part of everyday life. We all shop and eat out from time to time. We take walks on public walkways, streets and parks. Whether it is for entertainment or necessity, we all use public places and our children do as well. Our children accompany their parents [...]

2018-10-31T13:07:02-04:00October 1st, 2018|
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